May 13, 2010

Marry Him!

A tiring night on the rhythms of a Swedish band concert. As usually, at 2 sharp in the night the music suddenly stops and we are asked to leave the club. We are heading towards the garderobe. As expected, almost everyone was more or less drunk. I felt so weird in my soberness. One cider made me happy!

Near the exit I meet a French guy and, as I usually do, I told him Bonsoir! And we start speaking in French. Suddenly, he takes my hand and kisses it. I was shocked, but in an extremely good sense. The response of another French girl, friend of him was "Marry him". We all laughed.

We all leave to have an after party in the nearby student accommodation. The discussion was about whether our faces indicated our nationalities. No wonder many of them said I look like a French girl. And then the French guy says, in his drunkness, that he accepts me as a French because my French is so good. Really? He asks me for a glass of water, I give it to him, he says "Merci" and I answer naturally "Med plaisir". His answer... "It is admirable that you speak such a good French!". No really! And I was thinking... This is Swefrench... But the alcohol prevented him from noticing. And in his eyes I have a great French. Not. I start to mix it with Swedish.

My conclusions
  • French guys are indeed gentlemen
  • the alcohol sometimes saves you from embarrassing situations, otherwise it can cause them
  • I am thinking seriously about getting a French lover
  • I have to do something with my French before I forget it all


  1. Get a french lover then and you'll fulfill all the conclusions.

  2. french guys are... tres charmants!

  3. J'ai plusieurs solutions:
    - tu peux parler en français avec moi
    - tu viens étudier en France, commme ça tu pourras toujours parler français,
    - tu viens me rendre visite en france, et on te trouve un français ... !!:D

  4. @sabrina je commencerai a parle francais avec toi och je te promets que je te visiterai en France. Merci beaucoup! Tu vas me manque, cherie!
