Mar 6, 2010

Mithbusting Swedish Myths

As in the case of every country, there are national myths crossing the Earth regarding Sweden as well. Since I am here for almost 2 months I can confirm or bust some of them.

Real myths:
  • they drink a lot, both women and men, since one of the strongest Swedish policies is "jämlighet" (equality)
  • they are very cold people and it is quite hard to establish a close relationship with them
  • they are very nationalistic: they speak a lot about how wonderful their country is and they adopt foreign borrowed words according to their own phonetic rules; for instance, OK is OKEJ
  • they speak even more about the whether and how different the weather in their country is comparison with other countries
  • it is an expensive, but very civilized and evolved country
  • they do eat meatballs with jam

False myths:
  • not all the people are blond

  • most Swedish girls are not terribly beautiful
  • most Swedish boys are not excruciatingly handsome
  • it is not freezing cold all year long
  • they are not a nation of heavy-rockers but they listen to a lot of commercial music