Mar 21, 2010

Greek or Swedish? Iranian or Swedish?

Does the name "Antique"- "Opa Opa" ring a bell? You might associate it with Greece, Mediterranean Sea, sun, warm. No way with Scandinavia, snow, cold.

But...Surprise! According to Spotify Antique is a Greek duo originating from Sweden which combines Greek popular music and lyrics with a Nordic dance/pop beat.It was the first group ever to be nominated for a Swedish Grammy in the category Modern Dance (with a Greek song).

"Arash". It sounds Arabic right? It is. Half Arabic. According to the same multitasking Spotify Arash is a popular singer, producer and dancer based in Sweden. Born Arash Labash in Iran, his family moved in Sweden when he was 10.


  1. Tind să cred că acel site al tău are nişte date PUŢIN cam eronate. Antique nu au nicio treabă cu Suedia.

  2. ba da. si wiki zice asta:P

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I know that song (the Opa Opa one). It´s a little bit older, I think, but quiet good. In German "Opa" means grandpa, LOL!

  5. hi hi. nice to see you on the online, natalie!
    I like the song as well...
