This is a machine from which you can buy bus tickets in Sweden. You either put the coins and then choose the ticket ( 22 Kronor if you are vuxen- adult or 11 if you are ung- child) or you use your credit card. For me the second did not work all the time. Romaian cards do not get along well with Swedish machines:)) and for ths reason I received twice bussbiljeter from 2 nice ladies.
You probably guess that I am supposed to buy the vuxen ticket, but considering my childish face, I always use the barn one:P and everything is fine.
But the really weird thing comes now: on the very same route, during the day I use the buss 12 and during the night I use buss 92:))))
Ce fain! Pai chiar pari ca un mic copilut.. ;) Lasa ca e bine asa.. Da, se pare ca cardurile romanesti au probleme in general in afara. De bine ce sunt facute cred!